Cataract Screening
Best Cataract Screening in Chennai and Odisha. Our Outreach Services has been the foundation services of the Hospital right from inception and is the primary reason for existence of the organization.
Cataract Screening: With the motive of helping in the eradication of avoidable blindness, we recognized the need to address the three A’s which were impediments to timely eye care seeking behavior: Awareness, Access, and Affordability. By conducting our intervention in Community Ophthalmology through the Rural Outreach Programme titled “Kannoli – Vision Saver”, we have addressed the problems of access and affordability and with our formidable team of volunteers in the villages, we have successfully addressed Awareness on the curability of blindness due to Cataract. The intervention involves the following:
- Screening
- Transportation
- Accommodation
- Pre-operative checks
- Surgeries
- Pre-discharge review
- Drop back to camp location
- Post operative reviews after 7 days and 30 days
Needless to say, the entire intervention is free of cost to the patient
we Proudly say we are providing Best Cataract Screening in Chennai and Odisha.